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Description of the Card Sliver Machine

In the working principle the machine resembles the known band carding machines. It is lined out that a rotary card sliver works on the hat at the card bolster of the card arm. The upper roller is shaped in a way that it is clamped in an upwards direction by spring resistance so that when extending the card sliver a whenever uniform sliver tension is guaranteed. In deviation from all construction the machine is placed in a closed steel machine casing provided on the rear side with a sufficiently large door and besides the single drive it has also an exhausting device, which facilitates sucking off the whole carding dust and thus to keep the working place clean.

On demand, the machine can be constructed in a way that

  1. for the card sliver it has advance and back-off motion which is advantageous when cleaning the machine and (standard supply)
  2. the drive can be regulated smoothly within certain limits so that any time the speed of sliver can be accomodated to the working operation demanded. (standard supply)

These two options are standard.

The normal equipment comprises: two pressing bent pieces which are constructed slewably and an additional pressing bent piece with ball which warrants working pointed hoods in the point of working.

Read more – Data sheet: English | Deutsch


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